Questioning the quality of easy@home tests - Trying to Conceive | Forums | What to Expect (2025)

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Questioning the quality of easy@home tests - Trying to Conceive | Forums | What to Expect (1)

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Does anyone use the easy@home tests to track ovulation?

This is my first time using this strips and I’ve noticed they’re a lot darker sooner than the previous trusted brand I used. Today I got this test and uploaded it to the Premom app for tracking and it came up as my peak at 1.3 which I knew could not be possible. My ovulation is typically around CD 19/20 and today is only CD 10. So I uploaded again and it came back as low which is more accurate. But it was the exact same test uploaded to the app twice.

I then did a rest with the Ovry brand which I’ve previously used successfully and the line is much lighter which makes more sense for where I am in my cycle.

What are your thoughts? Are the easy@home less reliable? Do they work differently? I bought 40 of them ��

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even though the easy@home test looks a lot darker, I wouldn’t consider that a positive reading yet

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no I know it’s not a positive but the app did pick it up as peak which it obvs not. But it’s also significantly darker than the other brand.

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just be certain you’re using the right tab in the app!

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I am!

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All that matters is the test is accurate for your peak. Neither of those tests are “positive” technically so they’re both giving the same reading. As for the app, I usually just go off of looking at the pictures, not necessarily the app’s reading of “high” and “low”. I’ve always had pretty accurate results with the easy@home tests- both ovulation test strips and pregnancy tests.

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I know they’re not positive. But it’s the wild difference between the two tests that bothers me.

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then I would stick to the brand that you like best.

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I think it’s normal for different brands to look different.

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